A selection of numerous high quality results obtained with UNISOKU systems. Most of the excellent pieces of work have been provided by customers to whom we express our acknowledgement of gratitude.
STM Topography
54nm x 54nm
Herringbone structure
di/dv image resolving the surface state
images by courtesy of SPECS GmbH, Berlin
a)* STM image with a tungsten tip
b) _Calculated STM image for comparison
c)* ST[H]M image by applying the “Hydrogen STM” method reveals even more detail of the molecular structure
)* Courtesy of Christian Zwick and Torsten Fritz, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Published in ACS Nano, 2016 Jan 26. [Epub ahead of print http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26718635]
Complex Stoichiometry-Dependent Reordering of 3,4,9,10-Perylenetetracarboxylic Dianhydride on Ag(111) upon K Intercalation, C.Zwick, A.Baby, M.Gruenewald, E.Verwüster, O.T.Hofmann, R.Forker, G.Fratesi, G.P.Brivio, E.Zojer, and T.Fritz
Reproduced under Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) License
Non-contact AFM topography
High scan speed 16nm/s
AFM regulated on df = const.
Scan speed 16nm/s
Z topographic channel
df error signal
It simultaneous tunnelling current map
and simultaneous excitation signal map
images by courtesy of SPECS GmbH, Berlin
Temperature: 63K
Field of View: 3nm × 3nm
in Yokohama city Univ.
Temperature: 63K
Field of View: 11nm × 11nm
in Yokohama city Univ.
back to the instrument USM1200
STM at 500mK on single Fe atoms on a Cu2N layer on Cu(100)
IETSpectra at magnetic fields of 0T and 2T along the symmetry axes reveal the spin transitions of a single Fe atom.
(step position corresponds to excitation energy; step height to the intensity of the transition)
left: depicts the rotation plane of the field vector;
right: excitation energy vs. angle of rotation.
Colour indicates intensity:
strong asymmetry in the yz-plane
no asymmetry in the xy-plane.
The asymmetric behaviour of the spin states relates to the direction of the neighbouring N-atoms.
Courtesy of Sebastian Loth, Max Planck Institute for Structure + Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg.
Three-Dimensional Mapping of Single-Atom Magnetic Anisotropy
Shichao Yan et al. Nano Lett. (2015), 15, 1938−1942
Temperature: 400mK
Field: 0.5T
Environment: UHV
Field of View: 250nm × 250nm
in Magnetic Materials Laboratory, RIKEN
Temperature: 440mK
Field of View: 7.3nm × 7.3nm
in Magnetic Materials Laboratory, RIKEN
Scan size: 11.7nm
Sample bias: 2.07V
Tunnel current: 740pA
Add the atomic structure model
N type Si (100), 0.008 ~ 0.015Ωcm
V=+1.7V, I=70pA, 668.7mK
Keisuke Sagisaka, NIMS, Fujita group
published in VOLUME 91, NUMBER 14, 146103, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS
Yukio Hasegawa group
Univ. of Tokyo, Solid state physics
back to the instrument USM1300
a) HOPG substrate
b) (2√3×2√3) R30° Naphthalene layer
c) Multilayer of Naphthalene
Osaka University
T. Yamada et al, J. of Phys. Chem. C 118,1045 (2014)
Temperature: 83K
Scan area: 22nm × 22nm
Sample bias: 1.8V
Tunnel current: 0.54nA
Yuko Yamamoto
Unisoku Co., Ltd.
Temperature: 83K
Scan area: 12nm × 5nm
Sample bias: 1.2V
Tunnel current: 1.0nA
Yuko Yamamoto
Unisoku Co., Ltd.
back to the instrument USM1400
Experimental set up
Intensity enhancement by near-field effect
Local Raman Spectroscopy
top: spectra of a single H2TBPP molecule
middle: spatial distribution of spectral band
bottom: calculated spatial distribution
Z.C. Dong (Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale)
Nature 498, 82–86 (06 June 2013) doi:10.1038/nature12151
Left: STM topographic image of an alternating chain of ZnTBPP (red) and H2TBPP (blue) molecules on Ag
Right: local Raman spectra at the locations as indicated by the numbers revealing a clear separation between neighbouring molecules.
Spectra at top and bottom labelled with DFT are calculated for comparison
S.Jiang + Z.C.Dong et al Nature Nanotechnology 10, 865–869 (2015)
back to the instrument USM1400-TERS
back to the instrument USM1400-4P
Four-terminal Resistance measuremaent on Carbon NanotubeProbe distance: <10μm
Prof. Sumiyama
Nagoya Institure of Technology
Applying a voltage across the probes
M. Yoshimura, Ueda Lab., Toyota Technological Institute